@inproceedings{ author = {R. B\"{o}hnke and V. K\"{u}hn and K.-D. Kammeyer}, year = {2005}, month = {Nov}, title = {Adaptive MIMO-OFDM for Future Mobile Radio Communications}, address={London, GB}, abstract={This paper addresses the topic of bit and power loading in coded MIMO-OFDM systems. Due to the need of designing communication systems with high spectral efficiencies, the combination of multiple antennas at transmitter and receiver with OFDM represents a promising approach. Moreover, channel knowledge at the transmitter can be exploited to adapt the transmission to the channel. While loading strate-gies for the uncoded case as well as the information theoreti-cal solution are already known, the optimum scheme is still unknown for coded systems. In this paper, we compare dif-ferent loading approaches for coded systems with respect to their error rate performance.}, booktitle={IEE International Conference on 3G & Beyond} }