  author = {A. Scherb and V. K\"{u}hn and K.-D. Kammeyer},
  year = {2005},
  month = {Mar},
  title = {On Phase Correct Blind Deconvolution of Flat MIMO Channels Exploiting Channel Encoding},
  URL = {https://www.securecms.com/ICASSP2005/CallForPapers.asp},
  address={Philadelphia, PA, USA},
  abstract={In this paper we propose a new algorithm separating blindly the sources of a flat MIMO-communication link, where all sources are independently channel encoded. To this end the proposed method exploits statistical dependencies caused by the channel code for blindly estimating the channel and simultaneously adjusting a linear equalizer. In contrast to most common blind source separation methods the suggested method completely resolves the phase and permutation ambiguity of the estimated channel impulse response and the equalizer. The performance of the presented method will be evaluated by numerical results.},
  booktitle={IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2005)}