@inproceedings{ author = {V. K\"{u}hn and A. Dekorsy and K.-D. Kammeyer}, year = {2000}, month = {Jan}, title = {Channel Coding Aspects in an OFDM-CDMA System}, address={Munich, Germany}}, abstract={This paper investigates coding aspects in an OFDM-CDMA environment. The inherent bandwidth expansion in CDMA systems offers many possibilities for the application of powerful codes with low code rates. Three different coding strategies are under consideration: the combination of convolutional and repetition codes (conventional CDMA system), a code-spread system consisting of one very low rate convolutional code, and a serial concatenation of convolutional, Walsh and repetition code. Analytical and simulation results turn out that the Walsh coded system is the best choice among the considered scenarios.}, booktitle={3rd ITG Conference Source and Channel Coding (SCC 2000)} }