@inproceedings{ author = {F. Jordan and K.-D. Kammeyer}, year = {1998}, month = {Sep}, title = {On the Application of Turbo Equalizers in GSM Compatible Receivers}, URL = {http://www.pimrc98.wpi.edu/}, address={Boston, USA}, abstract={In this paper, we discuss the application of iterative, decoding algorithms (turbo-equalizer) to GSM data channels (TCH/F9.6). Although the turbo-equalizer uder realistic time-variant channel scenarios has a high potential, we only get a minor performance gain when compared to conventional soft-decision algortithms. Certain constraints of the GSM coding scheme prevent better results. In this paper, we discuss the transition from a very simple data transmission model to a full GSM-compatible system and compare the resulting bit-error-rates (BER). We introduce a modified turbo-equalizer structure which adapts to the pipelining interleaver.}, booktitle={9th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 98)} }