  author = {D. Boss and K.-D. Kammeyer, M. Boe},
  year = {1995},
  month = {Sep},
  title = {Exploiting Second Order Cyclostationarity or Higher Order Statistics for the Blind Identification of Mixed Phase FIR Systems},
  volume = {1},
  pages = {57-60},
  address={Juan-les-Pins, France},
  abstract={While the former suffer from systems which can not be identified from 2nd order cyclostationary statistics, the latter are said to require more samples of the received signal to obtain comparable levels of estimation variance. However, we show in this paper that the approach relying on 4th order a superior estimation performance based on the same number of samples when it comes to the identification of realistic transmission channels in digital communication systems.},
  booktitle={15th GRETSI symposium}