@inproceedings{ author = {C. Bockelmann and D. W\"{u}bben and K.-D. Kammeyer}, year = {2009}, month = {Apr}, title = { Efficient Coded Bit and Power Loading for BICM-OFDM}, URL = {http://www.ieeevtc.org/vtc2009spring/}, address={Barcelona, Spain}, abstract={The adaptation of communication systems to the current channel state is a crucial step towards higher spectral efficiencies and more robust systems. Obviously, the whole system has to be considered in the system optimization, which includes the applied channel coding. This, however, has been neglected in older works and only recently gained some attention. We propose an efficient extension to the original approach of Krongold et al., which uses the bisection method to solve the resulting convex optimization problem. The simulated AWGN performance of a set of code and modulation combinations (modes) will be used to describe the required signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) for a specific subcarrier rate. Adaptation of the code rate additionally allows for higher flexibility in comparison to fixed code rate scenarios. }, booktitle={69th Vehicular Technology Conference 2009 (VTC2009-Spring)} }