Investigation of consensus problems in a cooperative network with dynamic topology

Tutor: Guang Xu
Type of Thesis: Project (MSc)
date of end: 05/2017
Student: Md Abu Bakar Siddik
Status: finished

In this project, we are going to investigate some methods for the consensus problems (e.g., average consensus [1], consensus estimation [2]) in a cooperative network (e.g., wireless sensor network), where the network can be either static or time-switching-based dynamic. We might also investigate the effect of time delay on the performance during the processing. 

Matlab implementation of corresponding investigation is required.

Reference paper:

[1] Reza Olfati-Saber "Consensus problems in networks of agents with switching topology and time-delays" 

[2] Henning Paul "In-Network-Processing: Distributed Consensus-Based Linear Estimation"

Last change on 27.07.2017 by G. Xu
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