The Department of Communications Engineering (ANT) at the University of Bremen has many years of expertise in the research and development of telecommunications systems, algorithms and signal processing methods. In particular, the research includes communication technologies (baseband transceiver designs for 5G/6G) complemented by signal processing (e.g. distributed consensus-based processing, compressed sensing) and AI/ML methods (e.g. Information Bottleneck Method, Neuronal Networks, distributed learning, Deep Unfolding). Working areas are theoretical studies as well as simulative verification of designed concepts. Through its participation in DFG programs, EU/BMBF projects on 5G/6G and NewSpace, and on industrial radio systems, the results of basic research have been transferred directly to the development of communication systems.
The picture illustrates the research focus with respect to the targeted application scenarios and distinctive competencies of the department of communications engineering:
The ANT is listed as 5G Competence Center of the BMVI and is member of 5G-ACIA, VDE/ITG Expert Group Communication Technologies, Expert Committee KT1 the EU platform Networld and ETSI. It is further a member of the Technology Center of Computer Science and Information Technology (TZI) of the University of Bremen.
The department offers a variety of different lectures and laboratory experiments in the field of communications including basic in digital communications and wireless communication technologies e.g. multi-carrier, CDMA and MIMO concepts. Lectures are also offered in digital signal processing, channel coding and selected topics in mobile radio communications that are supplemented by machine learning for swarm exploration and next generation mobile systems. By supporting Projects, Bachelor Theses and Master Theses the department offers students the opportunity to work on up-to-date research topics.