Finished studentische Arbeiten 2024

Subject Type of Thesis Finished Student Tutor
Investigating the Applicability of ML-Based Solutions for TN in NTN scenarios Master's thesis (MSc) 11/2024 Shawon Kumar Mondal Tim Düe
Empirical Performance Evaluation of a 5G Private Campus Network Considering Autonomous Driving Application Master's thesis (MSc) 06/2024 Sopuruchukwu Benson Okoli Mohammad Razzaghpour
Probabilistic Interference Prediction using Machine Learning for in-X subnetworks Master's thesis (MSc) 05/2024 Sushmita Sapkota Carsten Bockelmann
Pramesh Gautam
Multi-rigid body localization Project (MSc) 04/2024 Niclas Günter Jürgen Führling Mohammad Razzaghpour
Simulation of communication links between satellites and receivers on Earth Project (MSc) 02/2024 Alexander Coers, Jamuna Jolly, GnanaSreecheri Muttineni Maik Röper
MohammadAmin Vakilifard
NS3-based Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite simulation under realistic radio channels Project (MSc) 01/2024 Martin Anschütz Nasrin Razmi
AIT ieee GOC tzi ith Fachbereich 1
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