Diversity vs. Adaptivity in Multiple Antenna Systems

Authors: R. Böhnke, V. Kühn, K.-D. Kammeyer
Abstract: An information theoretic analysis of multiple antenna systems shows that the possible gain due to transmitter-sided channel knowledge is usually small for uncorrelated fading. However, it is not obvious how these results translate to real-world transmission strategies. Thus, in this paper the error performance of adaptive bit and power loading with perfect channel state information is compared to that of high-rate multistratum space-time codes relying only on transmit diversity. We demonstrate that the latter may even outperform the adaptive scheme if discrete rate constraints are taken into account.
Document type: Conference Paper
Publication: New York, USA, 5. - 8. June 2005
Conference: IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC 2005)
Index: 247
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