Empirical mobility performance evaluation of 5G campus network

Tutor: Mohammad Razzaghpour
Type of Thesis: Project (MSc)
date of issue: 05/2023
Student: Joshua-Jakob Armschat
Status: in progress

ANT has a complete 5G campus network in its lab. In this project, the performance of that network should be measured. The performance metrics includes:

  • Coverage performance 
  • Bit rate performance 
  • Latency performance 
  • Reliability performance 
  • Handover performance 
  • Attach time to network (How much it take for a UE to attach to the network)
  • Effect of number of UEs to the performance of network
  • Effect of configurable parameters like assigned bandwidth to the system performante like bit rate


  • Linux and Python
  • This project is for a team of two persons.
  • Feel free to write me an email if you are interested.

Reference for further reading:

  • J. Rischke, P. Sossalla, S. Itting, F. H. P. Fitzek and M. Reisslein, "5G Campus Networks: A First Measurement Study," in IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 121786-121803, 2021, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3108423. => [link](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9524600)
Last change on 26.06.2024 by M. Razzaghpour
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