A Psychoacoustic Noise Reduction Approach for Stereo Hands-Free Systems

Autoren: S. Goetze, V. Mildner, K.-D. Kammeyer
Kurzfassung: One demand for comfortable high quality hands-free video conferencing systems is the transmission of a spatial acoustical impression. Therefore a major task is the transmission of stereo speech signals from a noisy environment. The suppression of the noise components must not corrupt the stereo effect. In this context different single channel, multi-channel and hybrid speech enhancement systems will be evaluated in this contribution. The problem of musical noise in Post-Filter-algorithms is addressed. Therefore a psychoacoustic masking threshold for the noise reduction algorithms is considered.
Dokumenttyp: Konferenzbeitrag
Veröffentlichung: Paris, Frankreich, 20. - 23. Mai 2006
Konferenz: Audio Engineering Society (AES), 120th Convention
Index: 269
AES_2006_goetze.pdf536 KBAES_2006_goetze.ps.gz677 KB
Zuletzt aktualisiert am 30.04.2008 von S. Goetze
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