Noncoherent RAKE-Receiver with Optimum Weighted Combining and Improved Closed-Loop Power Control

Autoren: D. Nikolai, K.-D. Kammeyer
Kurzfassung: In this paper, we present two methods to improve the performance of a mobile communication system compatible to the standard IS-95. The first approach reduces the bit error rates by modifications of the closed-loop power control scheme. In order to overcome the detrimental effects of delayed control information, linear prediction is used. This is especially helpful at higher velocities of the mobile user. Secondly, we apply weighted combining of correlation components in the demodulation process within the RAKE receiver.
Dokumenttyp: Konferenzbeitrag
Veröffentlichung: Mainz, Germany, 22. - 25. September 1996
Konferenz: IEEE Fourth International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications (ISSSTA 96)
Seiten: 239-243
Volume: 1
Index: 33
ISSSTA_1996_nikolai.pdf494 KB
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