Decision-Feedback Eigenvector Approach to blind ARMA Equalization and Identification

Autoren: D. Boss, B. Jelonnek, K.-D. Kammeyer
Kurzfassung: The resulting algorithm, termed DF-EVI standing for Decision-Feedback EigenVector approach to blind Identification, represents an alternative to the sequential "algebraic" AR and MA estimators according to the Residual Time Series procedure. We will investigate DF-EVI's behavior with respect to an overestimation of the channel orders and independent stationary additive Gaussian noise.
Dokumenttyp: Konferenzbeitrag
Veröffentlichung: Begur, Spain, 12. - 14. Juni 1995
Konferenz: IEEE-SP/ATHOS Workshop on Higher-Order Statistics (SPW-HOS 95)
Seiten: 320-324
Index: 17
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