Finished studentische Arbeiten 2021

Subject Type of Thesis Finished Student Tutor
Exact BER calculation of an H-QAM system based on euclidean distances Bachelor thesis (BSc.) 12/2021 Alec Prinz Niklas Bulk
SNR estimator implementation in GNU Radio Vertiefungsprojekt (BSc.) 10/2021 Nicolas Buhr Johannes Demel
Receiver structures for random Time-Frequency-Multiplex Bachelor thesis (BSc.) 09/2021 Jannik Steenken Christopher Willuweit
Machine Learning based Link Abstraction on a per Packet Basis Master's thesis (MSc) 09/2021 Emmanuel Aguboshim Matthias Hummert
Quantization of Deep MIMO Detectors Master's thesis (MSc) 07/2021 Sven Haesloop Edgar Beck
Massive MTC for Satellite Orchestrated Federated Learning Master's thesis (MSc) 07/2021 Sebastian Stade Bho Matthiesen
Normal Moveout of Seismic Signals for Distributed Velocity Estimation in Subsurfaces Master's thesis (MSc) 07/2021 Zhengyu Chen Ban-Sok Shin
Shengdi Wang
Distributed Angle Domain Precoding Project (MSc) 07/2021 Alea Schröder Maik Röper
Hybrid Precoding Project (MSc) 07/2021 Martin Jedon Maik Röper
Research and Development with OpenAirInterface 5G Bachelor thesis (BSc.) 06/2021 Ye Tian Johannes Demel
Fayad Haddad
Time-Warping based reconstruction of locally bandlimited signal from Level-Crossing samples Bachelor thesis (BSc.) 06/2021 Patric Müller Christopher Willuweit
MIMO channel estimation using neural networks and machine learning Project (MSc) 06/2021 Johannes Müller Matthias Hummert
Study on Doppler Shift for LEO satellites Project (MSc) 06/2021 Hassan Ahmad Maik Röper
Realizing a communication system with Deep Learning and Hardware Project (MSc) 04/2021 Konstantin Geißinger Matthias Hummert
Concept development for a centralized safety control system for industrial machines Bachelor thesis (BSc.) 03/2021 Tim Düe Johannes Demel
Analog wakeup circuits for pulsed-FM transmission Bachelor thesis (BSc.) 03/2021 Jelka Dehmel Christopher Willuweit
Influence of different distribution functions in a H-QAM system Bachelor thesis (BSc.) 01/2021 Lars Wieker Niklas Bulk
AIT ieee GOC tzi ith Fachbereich 1
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